
21 November 2007

What it takes to stisfy ur MAN?

Being a gilr is really fun but damn tough as compared to boy. Beauty n grace is no longer enuff to survive in the 21st century. U gotto hv brain n wit n everything else which a man have. I used to believe with 1 ibrain n 7 'nafsu' which god has bestowed upon us will make us better in our life. Or at least my life. I have evolved from a skinny smart kampung girl to a fat career mom. ( But still believe I'm qualify to be a yummy mummy laa.. )
So I grew up a lot. From not doing anything fr myself now I have hubby to care fr and a baby to nuture. Hell is a lot work being a career mum. During the day u work ur ass out to satisfy year bosses. Do this do that when is this due what happen what went wrong arrghhh.. After 700pm. U think its over? Go hme .. Put ur feet up n relax.. Dream on babe... we have to satisfy ur MAN pulaks. Mentally, physically and errrkk sexually?? There are times when u just don't hv the energy to even smiles let alone hv sex. But being a super duper yummy mommy. Just hv to suck it up n open wide. These are the comitment we made when we enter the marriage inc.

So any better ideas ? Suggestion always welcome..

Gud nite ..
Sent using BlackBerry


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