
13 November 2006

Lonely days ahead...

"Lonely...i'm so lonely .. i have no body ..on my own..." thats not entirely true though. Babe is away for outstation next week. I'll be so damn bored.. especially at night lah kan... hiks hiks hiks.. Anyway this was his first outstation trip since we moved PHS. So got my parent to keep me and my pisha company this time. Anyway i guess time will flies .. i'll be so bz with my assign and up coming xam.. by then.. babe will be back.

Anyway... this enty is dedicated to you... if you're reading this.. Just wants to let u kno that 'ILAPU' Even with all the complicated calculation, estimation and planning going on ur mind ( which some time a bit complicated for me to follow) i still LAPU. My days will be half full without u and i'll sure miss u whole damn much...

Anyway better got back to my strategic mgmt assign. which i'll share with all future MBA out there. If you would like to discuss your thought about my paper... let's hear it in my next post.



Anonymous said...

Aiyoo.. a mahhh appppaaaa.....Happy Deepavali

Anonymous said...

ko dah ada blog. hehe seronok nih.
bunyi cam kegersangan jer hahaha. lawak jer jgn marah

Noral said...

gee. blog ko update tak? update lah wei.. kalau ko tak update, aku bagi tau sumer orang ko nye blog address..

sally - aku setuju dengan gee. sounds like kegersangan :P

anyway aku pun outstation next week. kat taiping..heheh.. dulu mase ITTM belajar kat taiping, minggu depan aku mengajar kat taiping! ..kikiki

Geanie said...

aiks noral.... bleh kaa kau ngajar org nieh??? isk isk isk....

Apa blog gee??? nak tau gakk

geeGrik said...

aku mmg tak konsisten. aku dah delete dah blog aku. hanya blog bai dan tip ja aktif.

Izham Miyake said...

siot gee.. ada blog kah?

apsal ko gersang ni sally?

geeGrik said...

bahay siut wanita kalau kegersangan nih. sesuatu yg menakutkan. muahahaha

Geanie said...

elehhh gee kau apa tau...