Its been a while since my last post... As usual bz tak abish2 ... Now that ART not around my left brain seems not really functioning ( excuzes excuzes )
I was reading my morning new paper today and its gives me enuff reason to write.
Its an sad news that another NS trainee died in the camp...... My sincerest condolence to the family.... One can only imagine the grief they had to endure. What is interesting about tis is not the loss of a future leader of of nation.... And its not also the fact that more than 3 trainees died in the previous camp..... And its also not the fact that its happening every year..... But the insensitive of 'org berkuasa' on the feeling of the affected family of these student!
" Xxx assured parents that there is no reason for them to be overly alarmed"
What the +@*# is tis guy talking about! I wander if he will be calm if one of his children is in that sme camp
Come on man!!!!!!! Its ridiculus.... A girl died .... There's an outbreak of fever for the past 4 damn days . And the whole camp is under quaranteed!!!!!!!!!
Though my own daughter is still small.... I can imagine I wuld go bonkers if she is in that god dam camp! As parent I can't rely on other to make sure my daughter is being taken care off as well as I would!
I wuld personally buldoze tha camp ( who's clearly un fit to take care of studnet) pull her out immediately....
Well that's my 2 cents worth of thought!
Sometime niat murni will turn disasterous if it not thoughroughly executed! When other human being life is in your care...... Mistake is totally in excusable!
Once again to Hui Min's family..... my condolence.....
Sally from my Celcom-Vodafone blackberry.
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