Lately i'v been getting complaints ( more of a request) to update my blog regularly. Hehehe feels good to know that there are some ppl out there who are keen hehe or at least reads my writing. Besides ART... i supposed my latest fan is TIPTOP hehehe u know who you are. So this post is dedicated to him or her lah what ever his or her sexual orientation may be .. i'm cool with it.
I've recently redisover some of my old frends friendship. We kindda lost touch or too bzz to keep in touch after i got married and moved on with my life. ( vice versa) So during our usual lunch gossiping sessions.. we talked about men who behaves likes boys wanna be.
To those whose already married... what do you think of a proper way to court a girl? Where does the invisible lines between hangging out with some gals frend and dating a girl exist? Lets get some imaginary guy asking another gal to hang with him... what to do in tis situation. Being a girl have zillions of advantages la... no one can doubt that. We gal expect the guy to take up some of the responsibilities... for example paying for a movie ticket... buying us drinks and popcorn... holding the theatre door opens for us untill we are safely and comfortabally seated. These are some standard guidelines for you single guy out there if you want to score high in your dates.
This is tricky bit... if for example a guy asked a girl to join him to a concert? Who pays? Hahahah.. i known someone who known some girl who went out with some guy... that left her stranded at the ticket counter while that guy sneaked in without having to pay... this poor gal has to fork unbudgeted sum for the night out. Hahah poor girl... but think about it carefully.. who's to blame? Is it the gal for taking a wrong cue that she's bloody hell not in a date mode! Or can we blame the guy who's shamelessly asked out a gal and found out that she's damn.. not worth his penny...
To ilustrated this pointles story... lets take a real life example... if errrrr susan were to join tip for a party... i would assume susan would not expect tipto take care of her whiny nitty gritty stuff... since they we both on a fren2 get together mode... so we go dutch!
Lets cut my story shot... gals... u have to screen the men you are going out with. Safe bet stays with MAN.... instead of BOY.... Bak kata some one.." Cuci Kaki"
Boys... please know you boundries...Know when you do not have enough resources to take a girkl out to a fancy hotel.. just go hang out at mamak stalls. You'll be damn sure that u won't embarassed your self... and you do not put other ppl in an uncompromising situation. Girls are not for shows ok... we deserve .. no we demand to be treated better. after all we are the fairer sex.
Heheheh .. another pointless story from