A friend in need is a friend in deed. ( ntah btol .taktau) Well to those who knows me personally .. would know which i can be a little crazy sometimes. I do a lots of unimportant and time wasting stuff. Such as reading my own blog ... Haa... ha... ha...
I got few smses from some of my good fren after i wrote "Life without ART" . So as my time is abundance at that time... i re-read what i wrote. Heee sounds so dramatic... which i can be sometimes ( but of course not as dramatic as one of the greatest drama queen i've ever known... yeah thats u rahma) so thanks guys for the concern of my well being. Good to know if anything bad ever happen to my life... at least i still have fren to console me..
So just to clear the doubts... I'm still in possesion of my beloved ART. He went aways to satisfy some urges which as a woman ... i can't imagine how to full fill it. Not in my wildest fantasy. I remember times which i asked ART to include in.. so i know how he feels.. so i know why he's so passionate about it...HE REFUSE TO TAKE ME!!!!
anyway....He went on a fishing adventure actually... 4 days of fishing in the deep sea. Sleeping with nature....being push back and forth by the waves and winds of the ocean. At the same time, handling and using all those complicated and huge fishing tools which i didn't even know how to pronounce. We'll talked about that nanti lah..
So now, he's back in my arms. With a coleman full of fishes of course. My feezer is now filled with fishes and had no more room for chicks and meat.
20 February 2007
15 February 2007
For example if she was mumbling about how loud we were, normaly we told her that " abang was doing xxxx, angah was trying to kept adik quite or any other honest answers." we were in much deeper trouble then we were in the first place. When i was slightly older, i went to boarding school in a smal town nearby. It was a cool five years of my life spent studying there. Anyhow maybe i'll figure out some interesting stories to tell about my old school later. My point is that even after i was already in my teen years, my parent never changed. What they said goes. There's no way on earth that a NO can be changed into a YES.
Well, another example happed during one of the school holiday which i can't rememer which one. I was a bit an adventure gal back then, i went hiking, river-venture, camping other 'menyusahkan' type of activities. So we had a Gunung Ledang trip planned during the school holiday. I was so exited and ever ready for it. Paid a good RM 80 for the planned trip. Me & my gal frends were trainning for it for over a month. The trip supposed to be during the 2nd week of the school holiday . Because of that I was forced to go home first. Those are the biggest mistake i've ever made. Since my mom was really agaist me taking part in any character building type of activity. I spend 2 weeks begging, justifying, crying, arguing with both mom & dad just so they let me go as plan.To no avail..... i lost the battle. I was practically locked in a room and can't do anything about it at all. I was hopeless and frustrated the whole holiday and just can't wait to go back to schools.
So sometimes, worring too much about your kid is bad for them. I wished i had more freedom to choose about what i wanna do... the type of activities which i likes and and be able to explore my surrounding a little bit more. Until now i'm still not sure what i hope to expect.. but at least I would be more sure of myself and the person I hope to be
...alamak i've lost track of my original thought.
Good Night
Life goes on
12 February 2007
The Holiday..
However, if your're into something deep and meaning full...just forget about it. Lets move on to my movie #2 The Holiday. For me if your slightly in the mood for some woozie.. lovie... duwey love story! This is going to hit you like mad!. Story line simple and sweet. About two girls from different background.. but shared something in command, they're inlucky in love and needed a break. So they exchanged they houses Amanda from LA went to Iris's cottage in london. As any other love story... they meet up with another love interest which complicates their live and at the same time, mend their broken heart!
I think Amanda's character is overrated and boring! However Kate Winslet's potrayal of a broken hearted woman who's confused and frustrated is fantastic. I cried whatching her cries. Graham (JD) was as dreamy as ever.
So if you're free and don't know what to watch..... this is the one to see... I know ART would hate this type of movie though...
Movie mania
Life without ART....
This is not exactly the issue which i want to brought up today. Last friday, i'm left without my ART untill today. So it has been almost 5 days. At first I thought its going to be ok. Yea laa.. since I'm bzz with my works and studies... Come fiday...i'm still good. Come saturday... i'm extremely bored and restless... No one to argue with, no one to fight with and most imptly i got to go to bed alone!
By sunday...i've gone crazy!!!!!!! Totally freaky!!! I can't sleep... I can't eat and I can't go shopping with peace in mind. Something is missing. I'm incomplete! Still haven't heard from ART. Keep getting someone else's voice when ever i phone him. Damn u woman! Hope my ART is ok... all in one piece and got what he's searching for...
I'm expecting ART to call me by 8pm today! Untill then i've to keep my cool. untill then...
Life goes on
09 February 2007
"Life is not a rehearsal.... Don't miss it
"Life is not a rehearsal.... Don't miss it
This is a quote which i learned yesterday.. and true enough.. it does reflect some part of our daily life .....
This is a quote which i learned yesterday.. and true enough.. it does reflect some part of our daily life .....
Then one fine day... i was so depressed at works.... so i medicated myself with a dose of retail therapy... My mood were slowly improving as soon as i started my vios engine... and soon after, I arrived at my favorite mall. And automatically i'm healed of my depression. Not knowing the bad news is about to come.
As usual, i went to NW for a visit to my heel. But something was amiss ... the store has rearranged everything. All shoes not in their usual resting place...i started to panic... my heart was beating frantically... WHERE WAS MY GOLDIE???? My heart scream.. so i call the sales girl
Geanie: Adik... Didn't u used to have a gold metalic high heel right about here...( pointing to the glass shelve)
SG: ....ooo yg akak selalu try ke?? (isksks ingat gak budak nie ngan aku)
Geanie: A'ah.. boleh check in your stock... i nak beli laa... size 6 1/2 yea..
SG : Jap yea kak...
While the girl went into the store area... i quickly scramble over my handback searching for my wallet... alamat anda skit jaa.. tak cukup duit nie...But at least i got my gold cc with me...Silently i prayed that the gilr will came out soon with a box in her hand...So after about 7 min... that girl came out empty handed...
SG : Sorry laa kak...dah tak ada stock....ramai orang beli style tu..
Geanie: Aisey..... boley tak u check dgn other branches... see kalau they still have it...
Like an obedient sale girl... she picked up the phone.... while waiting .. i walked around the shop... mana tau ada yg lain...after a while... i glance to the girl... and she just raised he eyebrow and her eyes were saying sorry to me... I politely give her my most disappointed smile.. and walk away... My heartbeat slowed down... my mood level slowly sloping down... and i almost heard ..."lonely.... i'm so lonely... i have nobody ... on my own" playing in my head.
Just like the quote .... i kept on rehearshing to buy and wore the shoe... but never did buy it.... and now i've missed it. So guys.. don't be like me. When ever u wanted to do something....do it now.. or you'll regret it later.
Just like the quote .... i kept on rehearshing to buy and wore the shoe... but never did buy it.... and now i've missed it. So guys.. don't be like me. When ever u wanted to do something....do it now.. or you'll regret it later.
Life goes on